
El Vocabulario/Le Vocabulaire

Feel free to add a comment that contains any new way to share vocabulary below!


  1. I thought of this idea this morning as I gave a St. Patrick's day wordsearch after the quiz. I made a "March Word Wall" of the common expressions that occur in March. I think if I make one for each month my calendar would be more exciting & it is a way to teach words that arise during the month, but are not part of the curriculum!

  2. Great Idea...I think I m going to do that too, but since I dont have a calander up I m going to put the words on my birthday bulletin board. Excelente!!

  3. In my grad class they suggested showing the ppt. multiple times instead of just showing it as the intro. I showed the animal ppt. a second time and gave them si/no cards and said "this is a dog" & they held up si or no depending if what I said was true. I tossed around animals as a follow up for kids who knew the right word which they traded in at the end for some animal crackers.

  4. great idea! I had each student do an animal impression at the beginning of class and everyone yelled out the animal in spanish/french

  5. Encourage the students to come up with clues to remember some of the words when they get their new vocab. lists. Maybe give each group 3-4 words and they share with the class. Sometimes they are silly and not all stick, but if it helps them with even just a few harder words its worth it and it doesn't take long. My kids came up with mosca (fly) is annoying like mosquitos, oso (bear) is o so scary! and conejo (bunny) likes carrots for example.

  6. good idea with the powerpoint!! I have si or no cards & never use them!

  7. http://www.atantot-extra.co.uk/index.php

    This is a link to a website where students can play games to reinforce vocabulary by topic. There are a bunch of different kinds of games. I think my favorite is banana.
